New Mehandi Designs With Names

Significance Of Mehandi In Indian Wedding

Mehandi is a part of wedding,because it has red color ,which is known for love. prosperity, wealth and symbol to start a new happy life. so in marriage it apply to bride and grrom's hands so that it spread beautyful color in their marriage life .In wedding we celeberate mehandi function or mehandi ceremony by apply to everyone's has some medical properties it helps to releive the couple from stress.
There are different type of mehandi designs like arabic,indian pakistani,gujrati etc.

I am categorizing Mehandi by:
 Floral mehandi design
Chain mehandi design
Arm mehandi design
Fingers mehandi design
Heavy mehandi design 
Simple mehandi design 

1.Floral Mehandi Design:- 
This type of design consist of different type of flowers draw on hand like rose, kamal flower(lotus),  with different patterns of leafs. It looks very attractive,beautyful and unique on hands as you can see in picture.

Rose Flower With Filled Fingers
Rose flower design is shaped on hand by making small piwheel at strating and move towards out side by making curves over each other. These curves is increasing in size from tiny, small and big. you can add leafs on the side and make this look distinctive by filling the fingers with mehandi.

Cyanthiform Flower With Tigh Mesh:

This flower is shaped like bowl shape as narrow from bottom and wider from top part. In this design ,multiple flowers withradial leafs leave empty and remaining portion is filled with micro mesh of tiny adjacent circles. This mehandi design create unique look by appling on half hand from fingers and bracellete at the arm with hanging cage.

Lotus Flower Mehandi Design:

Lotus flowers design gain much admiration from 2020. This pattern is acheived by making shape of lotus flower with stems. You can draw differnt size lotus flower in diagonal direction with leafs and other mehandi pattern. Either we can fill the lotus with mehandi or make the border of lotus shape with mehandi,both will work.

Rose Petals Mehandi Design:

Rose petal mehandi design acheived by highlighting the petals part of flower. In this design rose flower is drawed on hand with multiple filled petals modeling towards fingers. The part of shape on which we want more stress, just fill it with mehandi. This design is formed on upper half part of the palm and add some pattern in the wrist increasing to arm length.

Jasmine Flower Mehandi Design:

 Jasmine flower shape consist six  petals of curved shape. These petals can be form as we draw straight leafs.This design is from by making multiple orchid flower in vertical way from arm towards fingers  by adding broad border to the edges of shape. you can add tiny leafs at the corner of leafs. To make this design unique , add some ring shape horizontal lines on fingers.

Orchid Flower Mehandi Design:

The shape of orchid flower is close from top side and curved from middle by decresing the length to ovule part of the flower. This pattern ia all about forming two orchid flowers at the wrist and arm by adding sone paisley, leafs,or other pattern arounf it. Leafs are adorn with broad border forming the oval shape left empty inside the petals.Complete this design by forming ring shape pattern on fingers.

Anemone Flower Mehandi Design:

Anemone flower is designed as petals of round shape with small notch at the end. This design is a verticle stem design of  back hands goes to ring finger. You need to draw rom small to big layers of flowers above one other. Decorate this design by filled and shaded leafs. 

2. Chain Mehandi Design:-

In chain mehandi design,chain of dots,leafs or drop shape is engrave on hands .it looks so different from other mehandi design. it looks like as we wear chain accessory.

Back Hand Chain Mehandi Design:

Chain design looks more attractive than other design on dorsal part of the hand. Chain design basically give us the  vision of slave bracelete or hand chain accessory. The hand chain contain ring and bracelet in single element.You can make chains of different pattern by forming ring at any of the finger.

Side Areas Mehandi Design:

This is another unique mehandi design in which we choose particular area of the palm and dorsal part of the hand fro forming the design. As in this case we model the pattern at the left side of the dorsal including index finger and right side of the wrist including arm. Fill any paisley or mesh pattern in this area for attractive look.

Ring Chains Mehandi Design:

This design is showing rings shape on the fingers with some chains hanging down in curved manner. To draw the chains, simply you form the solid line with mehandi, then adorn this line with any geomatric shape in adjacent order. Either we can make chains joined with wrist bracelete or take it towards the other finger. Chain design will good when you want simple design of  broad and thin lines on the hand.

Chain Sunflower Mehandi Design :

To Form this design add some sunflower shape flowers on the hand on different areas and join these flowers with chain shape lines. This design is the blend of chains anf flowers. you can draw any flower type with chains pattern. This design is suitable for back hand.

Chain With Petals Mehandi Design:

Create chain design with multiple adjacent petals forming the shape of flower. To create the shape of petals just draw the curved line by making it broader from middle part and put other petals on the left and right side above and down this petal. Beauty this design by adding curved chain lines to it as you can see in picture.

3.Pattern Mehandi Design :-

Different type of repeactable pattern like geomatric shapes which include line, curves, sequare box,circles or any other pattern (heavy or simple) is appling on hand which gives the hands/Foot a full mesh look.

Square Pattern Inside Pailey:

Geomatric pattern in mehandi design is the latest trend . There are lot of option for modeling geomatric pattern in mehandi design. you can form shapes of larger and smaller size . Either you can use these shape inside other shape or you can make other design inside these shape.  As in this Design , tiny boxes shapes are fromed inside Paisley.

Net (Jaal) Pattern Mehandi Design:

Making net(jaal) on the palm and dorsal of the hand is very easy and fast way to apply the design on the hand. You can acheive this design by making diagonal lines to one and other direction forming boxes or jaal. To give grace to the pattern, add some tiny filled  flowers inside it . To turn it to heavy design add some tigh design pattern on the wrist and carpals part of the dorsal.

Geomatric Pattern On Feet:

Geometric shapes mehandi design are the best option for feet mehandi on wedding.As it look so full and heavy by making adjacent shapes, it can be box shape, diamond shape, circle shape or betle shape by drawing multiple line in some direction.To complete the design fastly you can double the lines of the shape. To complement this design add some paisley or other floral pattern on legs and ankle part.

4.Fingers Mehandi Designs :-

Finger mehandi designs can be upto 3 finger section ,2 finger section, or one according to your choice. In fingle design ,the upper section is mostly completely filled with mehandi, while rest of the part consist of mesh design,leafs.

Phalanges Part Of Finger Mehandi Design:

To create the simple apperance , you can frorm mehandi on some particular area of the hand. For fingers usually we make design on either on full finger or phalanges part. Phallanges part of the finger is the 3 section of one finger. You can make design on Distal phalanx(Top section), middle phalanx(middle) or proximal phalanx( bottom). In this design we form it on middle part of the finger by filling the top part. This design looks good with Dark red bagles.

Flowers On Intermediate phalanx Of Finger:

Floral mehandi design is very popular among other designs as it looks different and create sharp and clear-cut effect . This basic idea is to draw any flower on the middle phalanx and fill the around space with mehandi to make flower edges clearly visible.

Asymmetrical Areas Finger Mehandi design:

It means modeling the shapes and patterns in way as it do not look  same order or in symmetry. For example You can choose different phalanx for different fingers. As in following design, full pattern is formed at index finger, middle finger have only middle phalanx pattern, and ring finger have pattern on proximal part of the finger. This looks unique and attractive than symmetrical order.
These are some beautyful  mehandi designs for fingers.

5.  Simple Unique Mehandi Design:- 

If you don't want heavy full mehandi design, you can go for simple diagonal or straight Line of different patterns. it looks more clean and easily noticable than full heavy hand mehandi design. Basically the simple mehandi consist of veils of different shapes in vertical order run from bottom to top direction.

Beautyful Border Mehandi Design

Simple mehandi design can be formed on full hand , half hand and on some areas on the hand. if you want simple and attractive mehandi design, prefer to make it on some speacial areas of the hand like ring area, bracelete area.Simply draw the curved shape pattern around the bottom phalanx of the index finger and add same pattern of design on the wrist part.

Simple Mehandi Veil With Flower:

This is another simple mehandi design you can try for simple look. the veil is the stem like single line which could be of straight or different curves with some tiny leaves on the left and right side . You just need to draw flower on the wrist and carpals part of the back hand and join it with veil.

Full length Veil  Mehandi Design:

Veil in case of mehandi design can of of any lenght. either you can make veil of full lenght of the hand, or short upto carpals of back hand. In this design you can see cruved veil of full lenght till nails. you can add leafs, flowers to the veil to fill the remaining space. The veil mehandi design can be start from any point (wrist, arm) and run to any finger like(index,middle, ring or little finger).

Geometrix shape Mehandi veil:

It is not only that diagonal line veil is the only shape we can use, you can draw any shape of veil like circle shape, floral veils, paisley veils . The apperance of the mehandi veil should be as it goes to vertical direction started from bottom and increasing to top portion of the hand. we can't make veils start from top and enf at the bottom, it looks weird.

6.Wrist Mehandi Design:-

Sometimes we don't want to draw mehandi designs on arm. But to start the mehandi we make some wrist design and move forward.  Broad Braclet like design, bangles like encraving, flowers or geomatric shape mesh comes under trending wrist mehandi designs.have a look on these mehandi designs.

Multiple Circular Bracelete Mehandi Design:

For wrist mehandi design we prefer to make the vision of arm accessories which include bangles, braceletes and chains of smaller and large dept. You can make multiple bracelete design by leaving spaces of equal size as you can see in picture. Intial the pattern nearl elbowpart and move downwards tha palm by leaving spaces.

Net (Jaal) Mehandi Pattern With Border:

This is trendy mehandi pattern use for wrist part. All you need to form Two border lines of flowers, paisley or any motifs design in straight or diagonal direction by leaving middle space of required depth. In the empty space you can fill Geometric pattern or any other pattern.

Heart Shape Wrist Mehandi Design:

This is another design using geometric  multiple box shapes. start the design by making border on the wrist and arm by leaving middle portion empty. Fill this portion by forming wide square boxes and fill some shapes in all boxes like heart, betle, circle, butterfly, rose, or diamond. This is suitable design when you want to draw  fast and simple pattern.

Filled Shapes Wrist Mehandi Design:

This  design is acheived by making multiple shapes of the same pattern at diagonal direction. First you need to draw two lines leaving space in middle. In the middle space form the flower veil and fill the remaining space inside the shape with tiny dots or adjacents circles. repeat this process to make shape on other area on arm.

Diagonal Floral Pattern Mehandi Design:

This is beautyful mehandi design we we can form in diagonal direction on the hand. Start this design by making to borders of flowers on the arm by drawing adjacent flowers one after another, leaving space in the middle of border. Fill this border Ny making tight mesh of boxes with dot at each corner of the boxes. It give heavy and shape design appearnce for wrist.
This is another design from by making diagonal boxes and draw flowers on each corner of boxes.

This design is very simple made by forming two horizontal lines by leaving space in middle and draw the horizontal veil in middle with leafs on both sides.

7. Full Hand Mehandi Design :- 

This type of mehandi design is choosed for bridal. For unique and attractive look bridal prefer to have full hand mehandi design . In today's scenario, for full hand different patterns, or artwork is famous. In full hand mehandi you can utilize every shape every pattern to fill the spaces. So it is a kind of free form mehandi design by giving extra stress on particular element of the design.

Fill with square boxes:

This is the simple and easiest way to fill the palm of the hand. By using this pattern, you can give the hand a heavy and full decorated look. You jus need to amke diagonal lines in one direction and other direction, then make double border to these boxes and add some shapes inside boxes. For fingers you can go for any design.

Full Hand Using Veils:

We can make multiple veils instead of single veil . Start from middle veil of flowers and  fill the side portion by using tight mesh of  different shapes, paisleys, leafs or any other pattern.

Artwork Mehandi Design:

Artwork of bride and groom pictures, cultural ideas, religious goddess and natural motifs and designs isare very famouse in full hand mehandi. By Fporming photos and artwork, it gets easy to fill the space on hand. We should give extra focus on the artwork by giving double border to it and fill the side portion by paisleys, tight mesh or different shapes pattern.
This is very simply full hand design acheived by forming paisleys, curved wheels, lines, dots and petals.



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