Skin Care

Under This Section  I am sharing some information about skin which include skincare,
1) What is skin
2) Different layers of skin
3) Types of skin
4) What is melanin
5) Why humans are of different skin color
6) Difference between skin whitening, brightening and lightning
7) What is ph level of skin and skin care products . 
we are providing you pictorial and video representation of all categories.

What Is Skin
Skin is the part of integumentary systems, which cover the internal organs of the human body. it protect the internal layers of the body from pollution and bacteria. Our skin made up of three layers.that is :-
1)  Epidermis :- This is the visible part of our skin, that we can touch . we apply makeup to this layer, impliment various treatments like facial, bleech, microdermaberation, chemical peels etc.
Important point: This layer not contain any blood vessels, it take the nutritient from deep layers of the skin.
 To know about Functions of epidermis layer and cells used in epidermis layer Click On the Following Link .

2) Dermis Layer :-
Dermis layer is the second deep layer of the skin. it contain Blood vessels, Connective Tissues, Sensory nerves, Touch Receptors and roots of other body organs. it have furture two sub parts that is Pappilary region and Reticular region. It Contain Fibroblast cells and phagocytes cells to reover from injury and fight againt bacteria. 
Important Note : It contain collagen and elastin fiber which are responsible to make our skin old and younger.
To get detailed and pictorial representation about functions of dermis layer, papillary and reticular sub layers and cells of dermis layer  click on following link.

3) Hypodermis OR Subcutanous Layer Of Skin :-
This is the third last deep layer of our skin, which is made up of adipocytes fat cells, responsible for maintaining the energy and body temperature. It contain the Leptine named harmone, secrated by the fat cells to determine our appetite.
Important fact: Size of adipocytes cells is resposible for our body fat.

Different Types Of Skin :-
Every person is of different skin color and skin type. Some people have normal skin, some have oily skin and some is of combination skin type. Bassically skin types is categorized into 5 types as follow:-
Normal Skin :  This type is most desired type from the skin types, as it is neither too much oily nor dry. it looks young and healthy as it don't suffer from pimples, pigmentation and dryness.
Oily Skin :  Oily skin have greasy and shinny appearnce on face, as in this type of skin excess oil is secratedby the oil glands which cause pimples and large pores on the skin.
Dry Skin:  When we have dry patches around cheeks, lips and other area of face and feel our skin after washing the face. it require additional use of mosturizer.
Combination Skin :  This is combination od oily and dry skin type, oily on forehead, nose and chin and dry on cheeks . it is also called t-zone skin type.
Sensitive Skin :  Usually makeup products or any harsh skin care products not suit on this skin type. it cause bumps, redness and burn the skin easily by sun, chemicals.
Important Note: We should always use skin care products according to our skin type. otherwise it will cause reaction on skin and you will not get desired result.

Why HUMANS Have Different Skin Colors
We all have differnt skin tones or skin colors. Have you ever think why?? 
When we think about skin colors, we start classifying humans by skin color like asians, americans, africans and due to this discrimination, many people in this world have to face the difficulty of racism.
What is Milanin :-
But skin color is the natural process. we acheive the skin color by one pigment called milanin. Milaning is a color pigment which is produced by the melanocytes cells in our body. skin color depend on the quantity and type of milanin. If milanin is less, people got light color or if milanin is more , people got dark color.

Type Of  Milanin :-
There are mainly two types of milanin and various shades of these two:
Eumelanin and pheumelanin. Eumelanin comes in brown to Black Shades Found in hairs and dusky skin complexion. pheumelanin comes in red to yello shades and it is found in lips, nipples and blonde/red hairs.

Milanin Production:-
Milanin production totally depend on genes. the shade, size and quantity of the milanin is different in every person. we can't change the shade of milanin because it is the natural process, but we can reduce the production of milanin.
Melanin production get increase when we come in contact to sun for a long duration. melanocytes produce more melanin as requested by the keratinocytes cells to protect us from harmful UV radiation. This is why africans are of more melanin, because their area is close to equator of sun. When you are direct contact with sun or high expose of sun always wear sunscreen.
More Melanin is natural protection barrier from uv radiation. If you have more milanin, means you have more protection.

Difference Between Skin Whitening, Brightening And Lightening
In Daily life we use various whitening, brightening and lightening creams to look good. But what is the difference between all these terms. I will clear your doubt regarding these terms.
Dont just purchase the skin care products by seeing all these terms written on the label, you should focus on the ingredients it contain. means you shouls choose the cream by carefully read the ingredients for lighten the skin, whiten the skin and glowing effect on skin.
Skin Whitening:-
Skin whitening doest't mean changing the complexion from dark to light . it meand to remove the upper layer of the skin and bringing new cellas on th etop layer of skin, which make you skin looks young and healty.
Skin Lightening :-
Skin lightening refers to lighten the dark spots, reduce pigmentation, reduce blemishes, or any discoloration by using natural ingredients and chemical treatment. Home remedies like tomato, potato, honey, alovera or citric fruits are very heplful to lighten the skin spots.
Skin Brightening :-
Skin brightening means having glowing skin by reducing the tediousness of skin and adding some viberancy to it. follow healthy diet to get glowing skin. Alpha hydroxy Acid and Beta Hydroxy Acid play very vital role to acheive glow on skin.

For more skin related video ,subscribe to my youtube channel. Click Here To Know More About Skin Care
What Is Skin PH / How To Check Ph Level Of Skin
PH Stands for "Potential of Hydrogen" .Bassically it is the measurement of " concentration of hydrogen ions " in any substance. PH have total 14 values ,1 to 7 refers to lower ph and 8 to 14 refers as high PH. In other words 1 is most acidic and 14 is most alkaline where 7 Ph value is neutral.
Important point: Our skin have Ph value between 4.5 to 5.5. PH value of the skin care products below 4 or above 10 strongly effect our skin.
If you use wrong Ph Products, it may cause you skin problems like loss of moisture, dryness,, skin rashes etc.
To know about PH value of all skin care products click on the following link:

Foods For Healty Glowing Skin

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